One more month has passed and forward we March towards a promising month of April.

01 Apr 2022, 17:20
One more month has passed and forward we March towards a promising month of April 👣👣 In case you want to have a more in-depth read, you can do so by visiting the Medium article below: We have promised to keep the expectations low and that's what we have been doing. March was a very intensive month in terms of internal meetings and the team has agreed on the final version of the models for systems that will forever change our whole economy. Based on what has been developed, we are confident that April will be a very rewarding month (we will be releasing some alpha about it as well). Some changes are also to be expected on our website, as our home must have a place to receive our upcoming vipsits. Therefore, while we are working on our cards to ensure we play them right, we are still saving some strong hands for the right time. RT: