I will copy paste what I've said yesterday:. The real questions you should ask are:.

13 Jan 2022, 19:07
I will copy paste what I've said yesterday: The real questions you should ask are: - What is the % of the current world pop that invests in cryptocurrencies? - What is the % of current world pop that has at least 1 NFT - Do NFTs have a future? - If NFTs have a future, which ones will fall and which ones will prosper? - Do IP/rights count in a long term view? - Do P2E blockchain games have a future? - Does crypto have a future? If you think crypto, NFTs and p2e games are the future, then you shouldn't worry about RealFevr because we are working on those 3. And don’t forget, no other project in the world besides RealFevr can have Cristiano Ronaldo’s first goal as an NFT video moment. Think about that for a second. If you think RealFevr Marketplce is a final product you are wrong. What you see right now is 1% of what will be there in 3 years from now. We are working to have an ecosystem with user profile, leaderboards, drop albums, challenges, achievements, burn mechanisms etc. all this with NFT games , new sports and more football IP moments from different leagues, with the best players in the history.